
What is my religion?

     I'm not sure about my religion clearly as many Japanese people are not sure. I visit a shrine or a temple at the beginning of the New Year, visit my ancestor's graves on Bon day (7/15) and enjoy Christmas day with my family. Also, I believe that God(s) dwell(s) in all objects. What is my religion? Am I a atheist? Am I a Shintoist? Am I a Buddhist? Am I a Christian? I'm not sure...

     Now, I take a class; Introduction to religious studies. According to Prof.Morimoto, religious things include not only the major religions; Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Shintoism, etc, but also a lot of things(which have "smell" of religions); communism, the principle of science, otaku, Confucianism, Taoism, the Japanese tea ceremony's and Japanese archery's spirits, etc. What is religion? I cannot define my religion more, now.

     Japanese people have been influenced by Shintoism. However, many people are difficult to find the influence of Shintoism because Shintoism is not only religion but also morality. After Meiji era, Japanese government mix the temple-Shintoism with the Japanese imperial family's Shintoism, regard Shintoism as not religion but morality and use Shintoism to govern and integrate people. Is my thought influenced by Shintoism deeply? Can I become free from the influence? If I am influenced by Shintoism unconsciously thorough living in Japanese society, is my religion Shintoism?

     After thinking about my religion, I'm interested in the relations between politics and religions. I want to read the 5 books after this fall term, now. I want to and must think about religion and the question: What is my religion?, for ever.

6 件のコメント:

  1. I am not sure what is my religion, too.
    However, I was in a Kindergarden which religion is Christian.
    I was taught how to pray to the God, and learned about the bible.
    In contrast, I sometimes do not go to the ancients' graves during Bon days.
    Also, I do not light Mukaebi and Okuribiduring that time. Moreover, I do not make a horse and a ox with a cucumber and an eggplant for my ancients.
    It might be against the religion, but I do not know which religion is relared to this kind of customs.
    I do not think that I believe one certain religion, but I hope my morality is not so bad.

  2. Thank you for your comment!!
    You often make me think about my topic more deeply. I think you are good at making people think more deeply and critically and not stop thinking about problems. Therefore, you should become a teacher :D.

    My kindergarten's religion is Christianity, too.

    After reading your comment, I think about the relation between customs and "religion"(Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, etc.). Customs decide religion? or Religions decide customs? or no relation?
    Where does humans' morality come from?

    What difficult questions are!!!

    Anyway, someday, I want to comment to your blog.

  3. Look this!!

  4. I'm taking the same class as you.

    I think that the religion is the force to define human-beings.
    Even the feelings can be called "the religion", in my opinion.
    When I think about the religion, I think that the name of the force have to be changed.

    Prof.Morimoto said that the class is held to make us think about ourselves thorough studying religions.
    Actually, the class makes me search my conscious as the same as Mark's SE class.

  5. Your opinion is very interesting, isn't it? (especially, "the religion is the force to define human-beings.")

    Yes. The Prof.Morimoto's class and Mark's SE class make us think about a lot of things and search our conscious. We must continue to think deeply for ever, even after this fall term.
