
Week 6 Fixed Topic

What does "love" mean to me?

     It is very difficult question, I think, because most people cannot avoid loving somebody/something to live in this world. There are many loves such as a love for a girl(boy)friend, a friend, a family, things, works, study, sports, music, religion(God). The fundamental feeling related to all loves is same, I think, that is, the feeling that all people want to treat them very carefully and spend many hours on being concerned with them. However, the each loves has diverse characteristics. Therefore, I want to focus on the love to a lover(for me; love to girlfriend).

     I like the manga: From me to you(Kimini-todoke). I want to get such a pure love. This manga is my ideal. However, it is a fiction one, so it is very, very, very rare case, and there are no such a handsome and kind boy, who has a lot of friends, and a beautiful and kind girl. Of course, I am not like Mr.Kazehaya. Anyway, actually, I think that the love to my lover means accepting and loving(=liking very much) all characteristics of her, and dedicating everything to her. However, I must think the meaning of "love" and diverse forms of "love" forever.

4 件のコメント:

  1. Mr. Kazehaya is a perfect person. lol
    Anyway, I hope you can find your definition of love someday.

  2. Yeah, he is very perfect person(T_T;)
    Thank you for your comment cheering me up!!

  3. Love is hard to define since we can't see it.
    However we can feel it.
    I'm always thinking about "what the love is" as well.

  4. I like your comments; "Love is hard to define since we can't see it.
    However we can feel it".
