
My Club Activity Archery (1): I had an official match of archery.

On the last Sunday, I had a competition of archery at ICU. This competition was held by the Mitaka Archery Society, so it was a little official. More than 50 people competed with each other. This competition had 3 ranks. The 1st rank (the most easiest one) was 18m×36 arrows (each time shoot 3 arrows, so 12×3=36). The 2nd rank (the middle one) was 30m×36 arrows (←many 15(ichigo) students participated in this rank). The 3rd rank was 50mX18 arrows and 30mX18 arrows (←I participated in this class.). My condition was not so good, so I could not get good scores, but I really enjoyed playing archery because I could play archery "with many people"!! Of course, archery is a non-team sport (but in fact, team type match exists), but it is very fun to talk about archery with better "archers"(=people playing archery) and advising to 15(ichigo) students through a competition.
After the competition, BBQ party was held at ICU by the society. It was so fun, too.

Someday, I want to talk about archery more deeply (archery game style, rule, archery instrument, why archery is so fun, famous people, etc....). Please, look forward seeing these blogs:D


Practice after the competition and BBQ party

4 件のコメント:

  1. Because I am now taking archery PE class,
    I hope I can shoot so long distance someday!
    I was so bad even when I shot 20m X(
    I think 15m is good for me lol

  2. Thank you for your comment.
    I think you have archery talent! If you practice more, you will be able to shoot longer. Someday, you will shoot 90m, perhaps:D.
    Enjoy your PE archery course!!


  3. Good evening, Aze!
    It seemed that you really enjoyed archery and you liked it so much!
    I am interested in playing archery and wanna play it someday.
    If we have a chance to play archery together, please tell me how to play and enjoy archery!

  4. Hi Yu,
    Thank you for your comment!!

    Yeah, I really enjoy playing archery and love it!!

    Let's play archery together!! I will teach you as far as I know.

    If Yu is interested in playing archery, it may be another good way to choose the archery PE class at ICU!! The teacher once participated in the Olympics and she is very kind, so probably you will enjoy playing archery.
