

     When I was a freshman, I participated in the freshman SEA program and went to the UK. In the UK, I went to a lot of paces such as York, London, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds and Edinburgh. I saw a lot of buildings. I not only visited the sightseeing cities but also went to watch F1 race at Silverstone Circuit. In these places, I met diverse people. They have diverse characters and nationalities. Through talking with them, I might have been able to cultivate my view to other cultures. Through meeting them, my worldview broadened.
     This summer, I went to Turkey with one of my section mates. There, also, I met diverse people. Exactly, some Turkish people are not good people, that is, confidence men. However, through communicating with all people I met in Turkey, I might have been able to become more mature mentally.
     These experiences show that traveling changes people/people's feeling/people's how to think about everything, positively. Therefore, I want to travel more. I want to meer more people.

My living place: Nishikasai (2)

     I wrote a past blog about my living place: Nishikasai, so in this blog article I want to write more. Firstly, I want to write about the problems of Indians. Many Indians have lived in Nishikasai. They have tried to adapt to the Japan/Japanese cultures. However, they have had many Indian communities, and the communities are very closing. I want to know about them, their problems and their dissatisfaction to Japan/Japanese people, but I cannot because I cannot join the communities and have any opportunity to communicate with them. I want the Edogawa ward public office to create new public places where everybody can communicate with others freely. Secondly, Nishikasai is very near to Tokyo Disney Resort. When I was a junior high school student, exactly I played with friends at parks, played tennis, played bowling, sang with friends at karaoke, as many general junior high school students did. However, many times I went to Tokyo Disney Resort with my friends because it is very near and Nishikasai did not have enough places to play in and enough amusements.
      I introduced the problem of Nishikasai and a special advantage of Nishikasai. Anyway, if possible, don't you visit Nishikasai?


My friends ~My freshman ELP section mates~

     I want to write about one of the most important things, that is, my freshman ELP section mates. I like them very much. We did many section parties("Sekukon"). Also, we did section travels twice. We went to Hakone and Minakami. Why do I think they are very important? There are three reasons. Firstly, I can talk with them about everything in a relaxed way. They often listen to my speaking seriously. Also, we can joke with each other. The time, when I spend on with BI section mates, can relieve my exhaustion. Secondly, thanks to them, I can find new myself, whom I did not know, and my faults. They sometimes criticize me, so I can meet my unconsciousness. Thirdly, they always motivate me. They are very eager about everything such as studying, club activities and part time jobs. When I see the attitudes of them, I want to study more, play archery more and work. Therefore, I like them and regard them as my very important and esencial things. Do you have any important person(s) to you? If so, let's keep the relationship carefully.


Week 9 Fixed Topic

How was SE? What did I learn/discover during this course?
(or) How do I want to keep developing as a writer in the future?

     This SE class was exciting and very hard. Through this fall term, I wrote a lot of blogs and 3 pieces. To write these, I used a writer's notebook. It enabled me to find what I mean more easily and quickly. In the writing processes, some people gave me some feedbacks. They are very useful to revise my pieces. Therefore, I have become good at writing more quickly, smoothly and better. During this course, I have thought that it is very difficult/shame to write about myself because I must show real myself to all section mates. However, I also discovered new myself thanks to writing blogs and pieces. Sometimes, I found my unconsciousness suddenly through writing them. I met many my opinions hidden in my unconsciousness. Also, I found that I really like writing my opinions. I did not know about that.

     I'm interested in politics, religion and relationships between diverse people, and I want to major in politics. Therefore, I want to keep writing about these themes and developing as a writer in the future. I want to show my opinions more. I want to talk about these themes with other people who especially have very different ideas compared to my ideas, using many communication tools such as blogs, skype and many genres, which I learned in this course.


Piece#3 draft: ESS(Extremely Short Story): change of a girl's feeling

There is a girl, no, there "WAS" the girl. She must have been there, but lost. Suddenly, lost real herself due to the earthquake(←strong shot?strong wave?strong motion?...). She was a typical middle class person, but now she cannot live without any help from other people. In fact, all people depend on the others, but she feel stigmatized because she's now poor and cannot think by herself. She want to be autonomy, but atmosphere not only of Tohoku but also of Japan doesn't allow.

スティグマ  経済社会的不平等 従属 自身に嫌悪 

This is revised version after Hisashi looked at my piece#3 1st draft.
2nd draft
There was the "man". He must have been there. Suddenly, lost real himself due to the aids after the earthquake. He was a typical middle class person, but the atmosphere of Japan changed him badly. He wants to be autonomy, but he cannot. He feel stigmatized.
(47 words)

now poor and cannot think by herself.
Who is he? He is myself(me).  ←all fiction!!



Week 8 Fixed Topic

What do I want my obituary to say?

Mr. Yosuke Azetaka died of old age at his house in Nagano on 12/25/2080. When he was dead, he was 90 years old. He died, watched by his family.

He was born in Tokyo on 8/16/1990. After graduated from his university: ICU, he worked a bank until he was 50 years old. When he was 28 years old, he got married and had 3 children; one is boy and two are girls. Also, he got 6 grandchildren and played together happily. After retiring from the bank, he moved from Tokyo to Nagano with his wife because he loved nature very much. Twice a year, his children's family came to his house in Nagano. In Nagano, he played archery so much and got many friends in Nagano.

He wanted his family to make his funeral enjoyable, so in his funeral many people talked about his story and smiled. In his funeral, participants never cried. Many UK music songs and japanese pop music songs were played, so the atmosphere in his funeral was so bright.


Week 7 Fixed Topic

What's my view about religion?

     I wrote about my religion in one article of my blog. At that time, I wrote mostly about the meaning of religion, religion(s) for Japanese people and relation between politics and religions. Therefore, today I want to write about my intuition to religions.

     Firstly, before I entered ICU, I regarded religions as very dangerous things, something enforcing believers to start wars, and something making believers' thoughts limited. Many religions' believers have become terrorists. Many wars between religions have existed. However, after I entered ICU, I found that EVERYBODY is affected by "RELIGIOUS things": not only famous religions"Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Shintoism, etc", but also other all things around us: culture, social structure, sports' morality, etc. I must never forget it, even if I do not have any "religion". I must think about the effects of "religious things".

     Secondly, I want to seek/think about my religion deeply. Around me, some people have their religion in ICU. I do not have any religion in detail. Therefore, I want to think about some questions. Are there any religion fitting to me? Do I have any religion, really? What is my opinions to religions? Thinking about religions may make me more sophisticated because, I think, thinking about religions means thinking about myself.

     Therefore, I am very interested in religions. I want to keep thinking about religions.

My place where I was born, brought up and now live in.

     I have lived in Nishikasai, Edogawa Ward, since I was born. Edogawa Ward is the most east city in Tokyo. In Edogawa Ward, many people live, and commute to the center of the Metropolis to work every day. Today, many Indians, Koreans and Chinese people are living in Edogawa Ward, especially Nishikasai. The boss of the Indian ethnic group has lived in an apartment building next to an apartment building I have lived in. He has imported Indian teas and sold them. Also, he has introduced many Indians from India to the Japanese companies. He has introduced the living places in Japan to the Indian people.

     Nishikasai has a public park with a zoo. There, everybody can see many animals such as lesser pandas, prairie dogs and penguins, and touch many animals such as goats, sheep and rabbits, for free. Many children with their parents often go there especially on weekend. If possible, you should go there! Also, I had enjoyed when I was very young. Therefore, I go there, and I can remember past myself. This is one of my special places impressing me.



Week 6 Fixed Topic

What does "love" mean to me?

     It is very difficult question, I think, because most people cannot avoid loving somebody/something to live in this world. There are many loves such as a love for a girl(boy)friend, a friend, a family, things, works, study, sports, music, religion(God). The fundamental feeling related to all loves is same, I think, that is, the feeling that all people want to treat them very carefully and spend many hours on being concerned with them. However, the each loves has diverse characteristics. Therefore, I want to focus on the love to a lover(for me; love to girlfriend).

     I like the manga: From me to you(Kimini-todoke). I want to get such a pure love. This manga is my ideal. However, it is a fiction one, so it is very, very, very rare case, and there are no such a handsome and kind boy, who has a lot of friends, and a beautiful and kind girl. Of course, I am not like Mr.Kazehaya. Anyway, actually, I think that the love to my lover means accepting and loving(=liking very much) all characteristics of her, and dedicating everything to her. However, I must think the meaning of "love" and diverse forms of "love" forever.


Piece #2 Draft: English Haiku

I want to write about a series of haikus related to my one day in fall.

Topic: One day in Fall
morning→commuting→study at ICU→lunch→study at library→club activity→back home→taking a bath→watching TV→sleeping→(next morning) twice sleep

Genre: Haiku

If possible, please give me some critical comments in my Google doc's piece#2!

Why do I want to major in Politics?

     Now, I want to major in Politics. There are 3 reasons.

     Firstly, Politics is called master science. Politics is a fundamental study. Studying politics, I can use every study areas, such as Anthropology, Sociology, Philosophy, Economics, Ecology, Literature, Arts, Business, and materials such as mangas, animes, literatures, movies. What a fantastic study area is! Politics attract me.

      Secondly, once Masao Maruyama said paying homage to Shakespeare, "In the "political" world all people are not only spectators(bystanders) but also actors/actresses(participants) (=政治的世界では俳優ならざる観客はいない)". Also, Maruyama said, citizens should have 3 abilities to politics and political situations/problems, that is, enthusiasm, responsibility and judgment(objectivity). Once Max Weber said these 3 abilities' necessary to a German university's students who would become politicians or public servants. Maruyama applied these 3 abilities to general citizens. If everybody want to live in this world, we must get these 3 abilities and study politics for ever.

     Thirdly, Politics is a "possibilities" study. Search for every future's possibilities. In this term, I take a class of Political Theory. I studied about John Rawls' theory. Perhaps, many people think his theory is nonsense and not realistic/practical. However, it is the (embodiment of) Politics. Only thinking about now situations is more nonsense. Only thinking about every possibilities, which are even nonsense in current political situations, enables us to get better lives.

      Therefore, I want to study about Politics, especially Political Theory, Political Philosophy and Political Thought.

     If you are interested in Politics or Political Theory, you should read these 2 books. Maybe, somebody has already know.
Introduction to Current Political Theory
Intro. to Politics and What Citizens Should do