
Week 9 Fixed Topic

How was SE? What did I learn/discover during this course?
(or) How do I want to keep developing as a writer in the future?

     This SE class was exciting and very hard. Through this fall term, I wrote a lot of blogs and 3 pieces. To write these, I used a writer's notebook. It enabled me to find what I mean more easily and quickly. In the writing processes, some people gave me some feedbacks. They are very useful to revise my pieces. Therefore, I have become good at writing more quickly, smoothly and better. During this course, I have thought that it is very difficult/shame to write about myself because I must show real myself to all section mates. However, I also discovered new myself thanks to writing blogs and pieces. Sometimes, I found my unconsciousness suddenly through writing them. I met many my opinions hidden in my unconsciousness. Also, I found that I really like writing my opinions. I did not know about that.

     I'm interested in politics, religion and relationships between diverse people, and I want to major in politics. Therefore, I want to keep writing about these themes and developing as a writer in the future. I want to show my opinions more. I want to talk about these themes with other people who especially have very different ideas compared to my ideas, using many communication tools such as blogs, skype and many genres, which I learned in this course.

6 件のコメント:

  1. I agree with your opinion about unconsciousness. Internal dialogues can only lead such subconsciousness to our consciousness. So I also think this class brought us very important experiences as an university student and for writing in the future.

    Thank you!

  2. Thank you for your comment!
    I think so, too. I will not forget the experience of this class.

  3. Thanks for commenting to my blogs!!
    I think you did really well in this class and I thought I should learn from you how to manage limited time!!

  4. Thank you for you comments!

    I' m not so good at managing my limited time. I forget everything soon, so I just do the assignments soon.

  5. Nice blogging, Yosuke! Very thoughtful in each topic. I hope you enjoyed writing your thoughts freely and will continue to write in English as well as Japanese.

    Like you, I tend to prefer (or am just more used to) opinion writing compared to poetic expression, but as you mentioned, poetry or fiction really helps us heighten our awareness of our senses and the personal stories around us.

    Hope you keep growing as a writer!


  6. Hi Mark,
    Thank you for your comment and I want to continue to write in English as well as Japanese!

