
What is the "Learning"? -Book review-

     I sometimes think about the question; what is the "learning"? Only reading books? Only writing papers?, when I think about my future. If I go to the graduate school, what can I do? Can I do some "paradigm shift" works? If I cannot do the works, do I have a competence to enter the graduate school??

     On a day, I read a book written by Prof. Yoichiro Murakami, who was a professor of ICU and taught the history of science and the philosophy of science. The book' name is "Rekishi toshiteno Kagaku (The science as a history)". I read the 1 essay of this book. The title is "Jiko no Kaitai to Henkaku (Break up myself and change myself)". According to Prof. Murakami, thorough the process that studying about the existing majors: normative majors, deeply, and after that, breaking up myself and changing myself, and studying, after that changing myself......repeating many times, we can do the creative works, that is, "paradign shift" works because, if people do not know about the frameworks of the existing majors, people cannot break up the frameworks or cross the frameworks.

     After reading that, my uneasiness vanished. All I have to do now is only studying about the existing major: normative major, deeply. And, after that or through studying, I want to think whether I go to the graduate school or not. Anyway, I recommend the book!
The Book written by Prof.Yoichiro Murakami

Week 3 Fixed Topic

What is the most precious thing in my life?

     It is a very difficult question, I think, because I have lived for only 21 years. However, I thought about it and find an answer. My answer to the question is having met some people, who influenced my character building, periodically in my life. The 1st important person is my piano teacher: Ms. Inudo. The 2nd important person is my elementary teacher: Mr. Tate. The 3rd important person is my cram school teacher ,when I was a elementary school student and a junior high school student, Mr. Oshima. The 4th important person is my cram school teacher, when I was a Ronin, that is, after graduated from my high school and before entering ICU, Mr. Oshima (the 3rd person is same name, but different person.).

     Firstly, my piano teacher, who teach piano to me for 9 years: from 6 years old to 15 years old, is important person for me. She taught to me not only how to play the piano better but also the pleasure of music. Thanks to her, I enjoyed all music classes at elementary school, junior high school and high school. Also, after finished playing the piano, thanks to her, I wanted to play the drums and tried it!

     Secondly, my elementary school teacher, when I was a 5th and 6th grade, Mr. Tate is important person for me. He is the 1st male teacher for me. He taught morality, which is needed for living in our society, to me. He seriously responded to my requests for advices many times. Also, he taught the pleasure of sports to me. Thanks to him, I could become more sociable.

     Thirdly, Mr. Oshima taught to me the pleasure of learning. Thanks to him, I could start enjoying studying al subjects. Also, thanks to him, I could go to the Toyama high school, where I wanted to go the most.

     Fourthly, Mr oshima, who is a cram school teacher for high school students and Ronin, taught to me the pleasure of studying at an University. He taught not only how to answer the entrance exams for entering an university but also how exciting the studying at an university is. He talked about many majors and introduced many books for the students. After entering ICU, I enjoyed reading some books he introduced.

     I introduced 5 people here, but I had many people, who influenced me, such as my friends, my family, the people I met in the UK and Turkey and all the people I have communicated with in my life. I want to say to all the people "Thank you very much. Thanks to you, I am able to be what I am today.".


Week 2 Fixed Topic

Who am I? How would I answer that question?

In the SE class, I introduced myself by doing 10×10 presentation, so first I want to summarize my presentation and second add some information of myself more deeply.

My name is Yosuke Azetaka. I'm 21 years old. I am an ICU's 14 student. I live in Edogawa-ku (the far east of Tokyo) with my family: my father, my mother and my younger sister(18). Before entering ICU, I went to a Sundai cram school at Ochanomizu for one year. I'm interested in Politics, especially political theory and political thought, so now I want to major in Politics. I belong to the ICU archery club. I play archery, especially target archery. Archery is very fun, so it is better for you to try playing archery soon! You will enjoy it. When I was a freshman student, I went to the UK as a SEA program. This summer I went to Turkey with my section mate: Takeshi, for half a month. I like the 2 artists: Arctic monkeys and Kasabian. The most favorite songs are "When The Sun Goes Down" and "Club Foot". I like eating cakes and ice creams and drinking alcohol drinks, especially beers. Now I like reading 2 mangas: "Kimini-todoke" and "Sket Dance". I really enjoy reading these mangas. I'm not sure about my future, but now I have 3 objectives. First, I want to get more scores in archery. Second, I want to study Politics more. Third, I want to communicate with all SE section mates and Mark more!!

・I went to swimming school for about 14 years and piano school for 9 years. When I was a junior high school student, I had belonged to a soft tennis club for 3 years. When I was a high school student, I had belonged to a Keion-club for 3 years. I played the Drums.
・I said that my future is not sure, but I hope, if possible, I'll take a master's course of politics at a graduate school. I'll write about it more deeply, someday, in my blog.
・Recently, I have been said sometimes by my friends "You hide your many secret feelings, so I cannot know about yourself." I tend to be a little sociable and cheerful in front of people, but actually this me is not what I am; I am a little bashful and tend to hide my real feelings for the good atmosphere. After the talking with my friends, I am talking about myself more, now. I want to talk with my friends, disclosing our real feelings more.



My Club Activity Archery (1): I had an official match of archery.

On the last Sunday, I had a competition of archery at ICU. This competition was held by the Mitaka Archery Society, so it was a little official. More than 50 people competed with each other. This competition had 3 ranks. The 1st rank (the most easiest one) was 18m×36 arrows (each time shoot 3 arrows, so 12×3=36). The 2nd rank (the middle one) was 30m×36 arrows (←many 15(ichigo) students participated in this rank). The 3rd rank was 50mX18 arrows and 30mX18 arrows (←I participated in this class.). My condition was not so good, so I could not get good scores, but I really enjoyed playing archery because I could play archery "with many people"!! Of course, archery is a non-team sport (but in fact, team type match exists), but it is very fun to talk about archery with better "archers"(=people playing archery) and advising to 15(ichigo) students through a competition.
After the competition, BBQ party was held at ICU by the society. It was so fun, too.

Someday, I want to talk about archery more deeply (archery game style, rule, archery instrument, why archery is so fun, famous people, etc....). Please, look forward seeing these blogs:D


Practice after the competition and BBQ party